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School of Clinical Medicine

Academician Dong Jiahong's dedication to the Qinghai-Tibet plateau: Battling “hydatid disease of liver”, leading a team to pioneer multiple breakthroughs

Oct 29, 2023

Academician Dong Jiahong recently led a medical mission to the Affiliated Hospital of Qinghai University in Xining, addressing the prevalence of hydatid disease—a parasitic infection—in China's western agricultural and pastoral regions. Renowned for his expertise in hepatobiliary surgery and liver transplantation, Academician Dong performed surgeries and actively participated in case discussions. His team has organized multiple missions to Qinghai province, where hydatid disease is endemic and medical resources are limited. Since 2014, Academician Dong, with the support of Tsinghua University and the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, has spearheaded a national effort to combat hydatid disease. The initiatives include large-scale public welfare surgeries, medical outreach covering over 100,000 kilometers, talent cultivation, and the innovative application of complex surgical procedures. Academician Dong emphasized the challenges posed by hydatid disease, which has a long incubation period and can lead to severe health issues if untreated. Despite significant progress in reducing the incidence rate to 0.14%, Dong stressed the ongoing need for graded diagnosis and treatment. As of 2022, Qinghai province achieved a 100% coverage rate for diagnosed patients, with Dong and his team screening 4.8883 million people for hydatid disease. Their efforts have diagnosed 1,900 individuals and performed over 580 standardized surgeries, contributing significantly to the control of this once severe epidemic.