Health Care

China's first blockchain-based international standard for liver and gallbladder, led by Tsinghua Changgung Hospital, was officially released

(Written By LI.C.Q Translated By YU.Y.C)On January 26, 2024, led by Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital affiliated to Tsinghua University, jointly drafted by Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, Tsinghua Institute for Advanced Study, Huakong Qingjiao Information Science Co., LTD., Fuzhou Data Technology Research Institute Co., LTD., and Peking Union Medical College Hospital, IEEE International standard "lEEE Standard for Blockchain based Hepatobiliary Disease Data Extraction and Exchange" was officially released and implemented, and became the first blockchain-based international hepatobiliary disease data application standard in China. Under the leadership of Dong Jiahong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and director of Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital, Feng Xiaobin, deputy director of hepatobiliary and pancreatic Surgery of the hospital, Li Chengquan, Yang Bin and other experts of Tsinghua University Precision Medicine Research Institute, jointly participated in the preparation of the standard.


According to Feng Xiaobin, the standard aims to contribute Chinese wisdom to the world, provide high-quality standard guarantees for global disease diagnosis and treatment and scientific research, and form a series of standard systems for data extraction and exchange of specific diseases. Based on the research of the national hepatobiliary disease data group standard, and combined with the traceable and immutable core technical guarantee of blockchain technology, the standard is formulated for various application links such as prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prognosis of hepatobiliary diseases. It aims to establish a service standard reference for the feasible circulation of liver and gallbladderdisease data for various medical institutions, research institutions, and medical and pharmaceutical enterprises, build a demonstration of a trusted circulation system of medical data with Chinese characteristics, and extend it to an international data extraction and application standard. It brings new innovative models for medical education, data sharing applications, and medical artificial intelligence product research and development of big data for liver and gallbladder diseases.


It is reported that the national liver and gallbladder disease standard database led by Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital is the first systematic disease standardization database construction project in China. Since its construction was started in December 2019, it has landed in 15 hospitals, including Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital and Zhuhai People's Hospital, and formed a secure data sharing mechanism through blockchain technology. In 2023, liver cancer, bile duct cancer, liver hydatid, liver transplantation, yttrium 90, a total of 17,000 cases of five specialized disease repositories, supporting the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Administration of artificial intelligence medical device innovation task disclosure project, North Nature and other projects of the data set construction work, published a number of high-level papers, issued 3 group standards, 2 invention patents have been authorized, 9 invention patents have been applied.