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WANG, Guangzhi

E-mail: wgz-dea@tsinghua.edu.cn

Tel: +86-10-62783631

  • Resume

  • Research Fields & Emphasis

  • Selected Publications

    2003-present Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Tsinghua University, China

    1994-2003 Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, China

    1997-1998 Visiting Scientist, Medical School, Northwestern University, USA,

    1990-1994 Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, China

Computer aided interventions, Image Processing, Surgery Navi

1.Medical Image Processing

2. Computer Aided Surgery

3. Medical Instrumentation

1. Xiaofei Du, Hui Ding, Wenjing Zhou, Guangming Zhang, Guangzhi Wang*, Cerebrovascular Segmentation and Planning of Depth Electrode Insertion for Epilepsy Surgery, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2013 (accepted)

2. Zhonglin Zhu, Hui Ding, Hongyi Shao, Yixin Zhou, Guangzhi Wang*, An in-vitro biomechanical study of different fixation techniques for the extended trochanteric osteotomy in revision THA, Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 2013 (accepted)

3. Wenbo Liu, Hua Guo, Xiaofei Du, Wenjing Zhou, Guangming Zhang, Hui Ding, Guangzhi Wang*, Cortical vessel imaging and visualization for image guided depth electrode insertion, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2013, (Publishing)

4. Zhe Liu, Xiang Deng, and Guang-zhi Wang*, Accuracy Validation for Medical Image Registration Algorithms: a Review, Chin Med Sci J, 2012, 27(3):176-181

5. Wenbo Liu, Niranjan Balu,Jie Sun,Xihai Zhao, Huijun Chen, Chun Yuan, , Huilin Zhao,Jianrong Xu, Guangzhi Wang*; Williams Kerwin, Segmentation of carotid plaque using multicontrast 3D gradient echo MRI, J Magn Reson Imaging, 2012, 35:812–819

6. Zhonglin Zhu, Daniel F. Massimini, Guangzhi Wang, Jon J.P. Warner, Guoan Li*, The accuracy and repeatability of an automatic 2D–3D fluoroscopic image-model registration technique for determining shoulder joint kinematics, Medical Engineering & Physics, 2012, 34:1303–1309

7. TANG Qi-heng, ZHOU Yixin, TANG Jing, SHAO Hong-yi and WANG Guangzhi,Eliminating impingement optimizes patellar biomechanics in high knee flexion, Chin Med J. 2012, 123(16): 2244-2248