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Yonghui ZHANG, Ph.D

Dr. Yonghui Zhang is now a Principal Investigator in the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Tsinghua University. He obtained his B.S. in chemical engineering from Huaihai Institute of Technology in 1996, M.S. in applied chemistry from Dalian University of Science and Technology in 1999, and Ph.D. in organic chemistry from Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2002. Then he had one year stay at Synchem Inc. as a group leader. In 2003 he moved to University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as a postdoctoral fellow. He got the AHA support in 2005 and was promoted to Senior Research Scientist in 2008 in the Chemistry Department. He was appointed as a Principal Investigator in Tsinghua University. His research focuses on the new drug targets identification and new drug leads discovery, especially in the field of isoprenoids metabolism. Zhang has published over 50 research articles.

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We have been trying to identify new drug targets and to discover new drug leads to meet the unmet medical needs. More specifically, our projects include (1) Combination therapy toward Kras-driven cancers; (2) Interplay between cholesterol metabolism and immunity; (3) Development of new vaccine adjuvants;(4) New phosphoantigens targeting the intracellular part of BTN3A1; (5) Engineered γδ-T cells-based cancer immunotherapy; (6) The immune-modulating effects of some cholesterol metabolites; (7) Virulence factor-based antibacterial agents; (8) Anti-malaria drug leads targeting Plasmodium geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase; (9) Safe integrin antagonists.

Currently there are three classes of drugs targeting isoprenoid biosynthesis: (1) statins, such as Lipitor, target HMG-CoA reductase, blocking cholesterol biosynthesis; (2) terbinafine blocks the fungi ergosterol biosynthesis via inhibiting squalene epoxidase; (3) bisphosphonates like Zometa, Fosmax are used for the treatment of bone resorption through inhibiting farnesyl diphosphate synthase. Beyond these drugs, little progress has been made in this field. Our work has contributed to the understanding of the structure, biology, and inhibition of new potential drug targets in this metabolic pathway, opening up intriguing possibilities for new drug (or therapy) discovery.

(1) We provided a combination therapy for Kras-driven cancers using rapamycin and a mevalonate pathway inhibitor;

(2) For malaria, we confirmed Plasmodium geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase a drug target for the treatment of malaria and discovered very potent drug leads.

Honors and awards

Tsinghua-Janssen Investigator Award (2015)

Tsinghua-Janssen Investigator Award (2014)

American Heart Association Fellowship (2006)

Yufeng-Hou Scholarship (1996)

Selected publications

1. Xia, Y., Xie, Y., Yu, Z., Xiao, H., Jiang, G., Zhou, X., Yang, Y., Li, X., Zhao, M., Li, L., Zheng, M., Han, S., Zong, Z., Meng, X., Deng, H., Ye, H., Fa, Y., Wu, H., Oldfield, E., Hu, X., Liu, W*., Shi, Y*., Zhang, Y *. The mevalonate pathway is a druggable target for vaccine adjuvant discovery. Cell , 2018 , 175 , 1059-1073.

2. Yang, Y., Li, L., Zhou, X., Duan, J., Liu, W., Chen, C., Wang, L., Li, X., Cai, N., Yuan, L., Chen, J., Kang, N., Malwal, S.R., Shi, Y., Oldfield, E*., Guo, R-T*., Zhang, Y *. A structural change in butyrophilin upon phosphoantigen binding underlies phosphoantigen-mediated Vγ9Vδ 2 T cell activation. Immunity , 2019 , 50 , 1043-1053.

3. Cai, N., Han, S., Zhang, Y*. Docking complete: a step further toward the holy grail of γδ T cell biology. Immunity , 2019, 51 , 781-783.

4. Han, S., Li, X., Xia, Y., Yu, Z., Cai, N., Malwal, S., Han, X., E. Oldfield*., Zhang, Y* . Farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase as a target for drug development: discovery of natural-product-derived inhibitors and their activity in pancreatic cancer cells. J. Med. Chem. 2019, 62 , 10867-10896.

5. Malwal, S.R., Gao, J., Hu, X., Yang, Y., Liu, W., Huang, J., Ko, T-Z., Li, L., Chen, C., O’Dowd, B., Khade, R., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y *., Oldfield, E*., Guo, R-T*. Catalytic role of conserved asparagine, glutatmine, serine, and tyrosine residues in isoprenoid biosynthesis enzymes. ACS Catalysis . 2018, 8 , 4299-4312.

6. Wang, Y., Chen, C-C., Yang, Y., Liu, W., Ko, T-P., Shang, N., Hu, X., Xie, Y., Huang, J-W., Zhang,Y *., Guo, R*. Structural insight into a novel indole prenyltransferase in hapalindole-type alkaloid biosynthesis. Biochem. Biphys. Res. Commun. 2018, 495 , 1782-1788.

7. Chen, C-C., Hu, X., Tang, X., Yang, Y., Ko, T-Z., Gao, J., Zheng, Y., Huang, J., Yu, Z., Li, L., Han, S., Cai, N., Zhang, Y *., Liu, W*., Guo, R-T*. Crystal structure of a new class of cyclases which catalyze Cope rearrangement. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed . 2018, 57 , 15060-15064.

8. Zhou, X., Gu, Y., Xiao, H., Kang, N., Xie, Y., Zhang, G., Shi, Y., Hu, X., Oldfield, E., Zhang, X*., Zhang, Y *. Combining Vγ9Vδ2 T cells with a lipophilic bisphosphonate efficiently kills activated hepatic stellate cells. Front. Immunol. 2017, 8 , 1381.

9. Xia, Y., Liu, Y-L., Xie, Y., Zhu, W., Guerra, F., Shen, S., Yeddula, N., Fischer, W., Low, W., Zhou, X., Zhang, Y *., Oldfield, E*., Verma, I. M*. A combination therapy for KRAS-driven lung adenocarcinomas using lipophilic bisphosphonates and rapamycin. Sci. Trans. Med . 2014 ,263ra261.