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Coco Chu

Principal Investigator

School of Basic Medical Sciences

Rm E115,Tsinghua University Biomedical Science Pavilion, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

E-mail: cchu@tsinghua.edu.cn

  • Education

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  • Honors and Awards

  • Selected Publications

2006-2010 B.Sc. Nanchang University, China

2010-2015 Ph.D. School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, China

2015-2020 Postdoctoral Associate, Weill Cornell Medicine, Cornell University, USA

2020-2022 Instructor, Weill Cornell Medicine, Cornell University, USA

2022-now Principal Investigator, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

The Chu Laboratory strives to understand the interactions between the microbiota, the immune system, and the nervous system. We are tremendously excited to discover previously unrecognized crosstalk, to unveil the underlying molecular mechanisms, and to help develop the next generation of preventative, therapeutic, or curative treatment strategies.

We define our own success by the personal and career development of team members, the promotion of diversity and equity, and ultimately by the outcomes of patients suffering worldwide from inflammatory (including allergic, infectious, and autoimmune) diseases.

2023 The Chinese society of cell biology young women scientists career development fund award

2022 The national natural science fund for outstanding young science foundation of China (overseas)

2022 The annual Young Talents uplifting Project of Beijing Association for Science and Technology

2022 Young Scholar Award of Beijing Society of Immunology

2021 Brain & Behavior Research Foundation, Young Investigator Award

1. Chu C, Parkhurst CN, Zhang W, Zhou L, Yano H, Arifuzzaman M, Artis D (2021). The ChAT-acetylcholine pathway promotes group 2 innate lymphoid cell responses and anti-helminth immunity. Science immunology, 6(57): eabe3218.

2. Chu C, Artis D, Chiu IM (2020). Neuro-immune interactions in the tissues. Immunity, 52(3): 464-474.

3. Chu C, Murdock MH, Jing D, Won TH, Chung H, Kressel AM, Tsaava T, Addorisio ME, Putzel GG, Zhou L, Bessman NJ, Yang R, Moriyama S, Parkhurst CN, Li A, Meyer HC, Teng F, Chavan SS, Tracey KJ, Regev A, Schroeder FC, Lee FS, Liston C, Artis D (2019). The intestinal microbiota regulate neuronal function and fear extinction learning. Nature, 574(7779): 543-548.

4. Zhou L, Chu C, Teng F, Bessman NJ, Goc J, Santosa EK, Putzel GG, Kabata H, Kelsen JR, Baldassano RN, Shah MA, Sockolow RE, Vivier E, Eberl G, Smith KA, Sonnenberg GF (2019). Innate lymphoid cells support regulatory T cells in the intestine through interleukin-2. Nature, 568(7752): 405-409.

5. Chu C*, Moriyama S*, Li Z, Zhou L, Flamar AL, Klose CSN, Moeller JB, Putzel GG, Withers DR, Sonnenberg GF, Artis D (2018). Anti-microbial functions of group 3 innate lymphoid cells in gut-associated lymphoid tissues are regulated by G-protein-coupled receptor 183. Cell reports, 23(13): 3750-3758.

6. Chu C, Wang Y, Zhang X, Ni X, Cao J, Xu W, Dong Z, Yuan P, Wei W, Ma Y, Zhang L, Wu L, Qi H (2014). SAP-regulated T Cell-APC adhesion and ligation-dependent and -independent Ly108-CD3ζ interactions. Journal of Immunology, 193(8): 3860-3871.