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SHI, Yan

E-mail: yanshiemail@tsinghua.edu.cn

Tel: +86-10-62797488

  • Resume

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  • Selected Publications

    2012- Present Professor, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

    2010-2012 Associate Professor, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    2006-2010 Assistant Professor, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    2003-2006 Research Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts MedicalSchool. Worcester, Massachusetts, USA

    1997-2003 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Massachusetts Medical School,Worcester, Massachusetts, USA

    1992-1998 Ph.D, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA

Dendritic cells biology and atomic force microscopy-based single cell force spectroscopy

1.Tong, Dan; Zhang, Li; Ning, Fei; Xu, Ying; Hu, Xiaoyu; Shi, Yan*. Contact-dependent delivery of IL-2 by dendritic cells to CD4 T cells in the contraction phase promotes their long-term survival.Protein and Cell.2020 11(2):108-123

2.Dingka Song, Junchen Meng, Jie Cheng, Zheng Fan, Pengyu Chen, Hefei Ruan, Zhongyuan Tu, Ning Kang, Nan Li, Ying Xu, Xiaobo Wang, Fei Shu, Libing Mu , Tengfei Li , Wenran Ren, Xin Lin, Jun Zhu , Xiaohong Fang, Matthias W. Amrein, Weihui Wu, Litang Yan, Junhong Lü, Tie Xia and Yan Shi. Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum-sensing metabolite induces host immune cell death through cell surface lipid domain dissolution. Nat Microbiol.2019 4(1):97-111

3.Mu L, Tu Z, Miao L, Ruan H, Kang N, Hei Y, Chen J, Wei W, Gong F, Wang B, Du Y, Ma G, Amerein MW, Xia T*, Shi Y*. A phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate redistribution-based sensing mechanism initiates a phagocytosis programing.Nat Commun. 2018 9(1):4259.

4.Zhang Y, Rong H, Zhang FX, Wu K, Mu L, Meng J, Xiao B, Zamponi GW, Shi Y. A Membrane Potential- and Calpain-Dependent Reversal of Caspase-1 Inhibition Regulates Canonical NLRP3 Inflammasome.Cell Rep. 2018 24(9):2356-69 e5.

5.Xia Y, Xie Y, Yu Z, Xiao H, Jiang G, Zhou X, Yang Y, Li X, Zhao M, Li L, Zheng M, Han S, Zong Z, Meng X, Deng H, Ye H, Fa Y, Wu H, Oldfield E, Hu X, Liu W*, Shi Y*, Zhang Y*. The Mevalonate Pathway Is a Druggable Target for Vaccine Adjuvant Discovery.Cell. 2018 Sep 20.

6.Jiahuan Chen, Anutosh Ganguly, Ashley D. Mucsi, Junchen Meng, Jiacong Yan, Pascal Detampel, Fay Munro, Zongde Zhang, Mei Wu, Aswin Hari, Melanie D. Stenner, WenchengZheng, Paul Kubes, Tie Xia, Matthias W. Amrein, Hai Qi, and Yan Shi*,Strong adhesion by regulatory T cells induces dendritic cell cytoskeletal polarization and contact-dependent lethargy,The Journal of Experimental Medicine,2017,DOI: 10.1084

7.Zongde Zhang, Jianjian Li, Wencheng Zheng, Guang Zhao, Hong Zhang, Xiaofei Wang, Yaqian Guo, Chuan Qin, and Yan Shi*. Peripheral lymphoid volume expansion and maintenance are controlled by gut microbiota via RALDH+ dendritic cells.Immunity, 2016, 1074-7613

8.Flach, T. L., G. Ng, A. Hari, M. D. Desrosiers, P. Zhang, S. M. Ward, M. E. Seamone, A. Vilaysane, A. D. Mucsi, Y. Fong, E. Prenner, C. C. Ling, J. Tschopp, D. A. Muruve, M. W. Amrein, and Y. Shi*. Alum interaction with dendritic cell membrane lipids is essential for its adjuvanticity.Nat Med, 2011, 17: 479-87.

9.Shi, Y., J. E. Evans, and K. L. Rock. 2003. Molecular identification of a danger signal that alerts the immune system to dying cells.Nature425: 516-21.