
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Undergraduate Education

[Discipline Introduction]

The pharmacy discipline trains students to have the basic theory, basic knowledge and scientific research skills in pharmacy, enabling them to become innovative drug research & development talents and senior managers engaged in drug design and research & development, drug preparation and clinical rational drug use, drug production, testing, circulation, use and other related work. Undergraduate students mainly learn the basic theory and knowledge of the main branches of pharmacy, receive the basic training of pharmaceutical research methods and skills, and acquire the basic abilities of innovative drug research & development, quality control evaluation, and guidance for rational drug use.

[Faculty for Undergraduate Education]

The School of Pharmaceutical Sciences has a vigorous and energetic faculty, more than 90% of whom are outstanding young and middle-aged scientists returning from overseas. After several years of development, the school has built up a faculty of 39 teachers, including 33 for teaching and research, 4 for research, 1 for teaching, and 1 for experimental techniques. Among the teachers for teaching and research, 3 are “national high-level overseas talents”, 3 are “young and middle-aged leading talents in technological innovation”, 2 are “national high-level talents”, 4 are winners of “National Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars”, 17 are professors of “National High-Level Overseas Talent Youth Program”, 1 is selected into “National High-Level Talent Youth Program” and 4 are winners of “National Fund for Outstanding Youth”. 80% of the faculty undertake the task of teaching for undergraduate students.

[Objective of Undergraduate Education]

The undergraduate education of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences provides students with broad and solid basic knowledge, proficient and profound professional skills, systematic and comprehensive experimental training, and highly open international exchanges, with an expectation to cultivate and reserve leading talents for innovative drug research and development.

[Innovative Undergraduate Education]

The School of Pharmaceutical Sciences follows the overall requirements of “pursuing excellence, promoting transformation, keeping in line with international standards, and reaching the world-class level”, adopts the talent training mode of “small scale, big investment, multi-dimension and longitudinal depth”, and through domestic and international scientific research and practice projects, places emphasis on students’ accumulation of multidisciplinary knowledge in pharmacy, medicine, biology, chemistry, engineering and information, as well as strengthening of comprehensive qualities such as analytical ability, practical ability and innovative ability, committed to cultivating a new generation of pharmaceutical talents with international leading level in the field of pharmaceutical research & development and application.

1. Broad foundation: Establish an interdisciplinary curriculum training system to meet the needs of training innovative and interdisciplinary talents. Implement relatively “concise” curriculum by reducing required courses and increasing optional courses and practical courses to optimize knowledge structure and broaden the space for personality development of students.

2. Excellent teaching: Establish a curriculum system based on general education and gradually strengthening professional education, and set up a curriculum module for orderly connection of undergraduate and postgraduate education and further improving the knowledge system of students. The teacher-student ratio is close to 2:1, providing small class teaching with high quality.

3. Emphasis on practice: Establish an internship & practice training system with four advanced stages of “cognition - practice - improvement - comprehensive training”, give full play to the role of high-level scientific research platforms, and fully combine classroom teaching, experimental teaching, extracurricular practice and scientific research training to improve the scientific research quality and ability of students and lay a solid foundation for their research work at the postgraduate stage.

4. International perspective: Establish extensive platforms for school-level, department-level and university-level overseas practices and exchanges, including InSPIRE overseas study program, overseas summer study, overseas comprehensive thesis training and other overseas exchange activities, so as to cultivate the international vision and global competence of students.

[Destination of Undergraduate Students]

The undergraduate education of pharmacy lasts for 4 years. Students who meet the graduation requirements for undergraduates are allowed to graduate and obtain a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy. Excellent undergraduates may be recommended without examination to the university or another domestic university for postgraduate study, or apply to a foreign renowned university for further study, or make an independent career choice. In recent years, the majority of students have chosen domestic or foreign universities or research institutes for further study, including but not limited to Harvard University, Yale University, Duke University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Michigan, The Scripps Research Institute, University of California, San Francisco, University of California, San Diego, Dartmouth College, Columbia University, University of North Carolina, University of Washington, University of Pittsburgh, University of Southern California, University of Melbourne and other world renowned colleges and universities.

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