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沈 洪


E-mail: shouser@uab.edu

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清华大学医院管理研究院双聘教授,博士生导师,美国阿拉巴马伯明翰大学(UAB)卫生学院卫生服务管理系副教授,艾滋病研究中心研究员。生于北京,1989年作为访问学者赴美,在美国获得卫生信息管理学士学位(1993年) (Summa Cum Laude最优等成绩),美国卫生信息管理员注册证书(1993年),流行病学硕士学位(1998年),卫生行为学博士学位(2004年)。自1995年,先后受聘于美国阿拉巴马伯明翰大学乐竞在线官网,公共卫生学院,及卫生学院,从事研究和教学工作,参加众多大型的全国研究项目,并担任博士,硕士和学士生导师。





1. Dorsey AD, Clements K, Garrie RL, Houser SH, Berner ES. Bridging the gap-A collaborative approach to health information management and informatics education. Applied Clinical Informatics. 2015;6:211-223. DOI: 10.4338/ACI-2014-09-RA-0083.

2.Houser SH. Ray MN, Berner ES. (2015). Impact of automated follow up after outpatient acute care visits. Forum on Advances in Healthcare Management Research, American College of Healthcare Executives annual Congress on Healthcare Leadership, Chicago, March 2015.

3.Clements K, Houser SH. Text Book chapter, Chapter 13, “Data Analytics: Reporting, Interpretation, and Use”, in “Health Information: Management of a Strategic Resource” by Abdelhak. 5th edition. 2015.

4.Houser SH, Hearld CR, Hearld LR. (2014). Using health information technology for patient registries in patient-centered medical homes. American Public Health Association, New Orleans, October 2014.

5.Qu X, Houser SH, He MY. Development and Implications of Accreditation for the U.S. Master of Health Administration. Modern Hospital Management. 2014,12(2):17-21.

6.Berner SE, Ray MN, Panjamapirom A, Maisiak RM, Willig J, English T, Krawitz M, Nevin C, Houser SH, Cohen MP, Schiff GD. Closing the Loop on Acute Care Outcomes, Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2014;29(8):1105-1112. DOI: 10.1007/s11606-014-2783-3. PMCID:PMC4099452

7.Houser SH, Hearld L. (2013). Adoption of health information technology in patient-centered medical homes. American Public Health Association, October 2013.

8.Irani P, Houser SH, Russo P, Thielen L. Support and Sustain the Practice of Quality Improvement and Performance Management in Public Health, Position Paper, American Public Health Association, Policy Date:11/5/2013, Policy Number: 201314

9.Houser SH, Ray MN, Maisiak RM, Panjamapirom A, Willig J, Schiff G, English T, Nevin C, and Berner E. Telephone follow-up in primary care: Can interactive voice response calls work? Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 2013;192:112-116. doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-289-9-112. PMCID: PMC4117224

10.Houser SH, Morgan D, Clements K, Hart-Hester S. Assessing the Planning and Implementation Strategies for ICD-10 Coding Transition in Alabama Hospitals. Perspectives in Health Information Management, 2013;10(1):1-15. PMCID: PMC3692320

11.Houser SH, Weech-Maldonado R, Chen L, Outman R, Ray MN, and Sagg K. (2012). Patient prescription medication information seeking behavior and internet use. American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA October, 2012.

12.White Paper. “Selecting a Mobile App: Evaluating the Usability of Medical Applications.” Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), 2012.

13.Institute of Medicine (IOM) Technical Report. “Monitoring HIV Care in the United States: A strategy for Generating National Estimates of HIV Care and Coverage”. October 2012. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Committee member and author. PMID:25144028

14.Institute of Medicine (IOM) Technical Report “Monitoring HIV Care in the United States: Indicators and Data Systems.” April 2012. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Committee member and author. PMID:25144028

15.Houser SH, Colquitt SH, Clements K, Hart-Hester S. The Impact of Electronic Health Records Usage on Cancer Registry Systems in Alabama. Perspectives in Health Information Management, 2012;9(1):1-15. PMCID: PMC332910

16.Clements K, Houser SH. Text Book chapter, Chapter 13, “Data Reporting, Interpretation and Use”, in “Health Information: Management of a Strategic Resource” by Abdelhak. 4th edition. 2011.

17.Houser SH, Chen YP, Yang YY, Zhao BN, Wang H, Xiao WH, Feng W, Hsu L, Zhou MW, Yu CL. Rehabilitation Medicine Continuing Education Training Program Model and Evaluation Design and Implementation Experience. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. 26(3):257-260, March 2011; dio:10.3969/j.issn.1001-1242.2011.03.013.

18.Houser SH, Au D, Weech-Maldonado R. The impact of geography on hospital electronic health records implementation in Alabama: Implications for meaningful use. Applied Clinical Informatics. 2011:2:270-283. http://dx.doi.org/10.4338/ACI-2011-01-RA-0001. PMCID: PMC3631931

19.Vlasova N, Schumacher JE, Oryschhuk O, Dumchev K, Slobodyanyuk P, Moroz VM, Kim Y, Houser SH. STEPS Outpatient Program Improves Alcohol Treatment Outcomes in Ukrainian Regional Narcologic Dispensary. Addictive Disorders and Their Treatment. 10(1):6–13, March 2011; doi:10.1097/ADT.0b013e3181dee89f.

20.Brodnik MS, Houser SH. Redefining the role of research and scholarship in health information management. 2009;6(1b):1-11. Perspectives in Health Information Management. PMCID: PMC2781728

21.Sterling MA, Houser SH, et al. HIMSS Usability Task Force Work Group (2010). EHR usability: Pain points evaluation and results. E Session #409. HIMSS annual conference, Atlanta, GA, March 2010.

22.Houser SH. (2010). Usability study of electronic health record system in an outpatient clinic. American Health Information Management Association Assembly on Education summer symposium, New Orleans. July 2010.

23.Houser SH, Manger B, Price B, Silvers C, Hart-Hester S. Expending health information management public health role. 2009;6(1e):1-6. Perspectives in Health Information Management. PMCID: PMC2781725

24.Houser SH, Tesch L, Hart-Hester S, Dixon-Lee C. Roles and challenges of the health information management educator: A national HIM faculty survey. Perspectives in Health Information Management. 2009;6(4):1-19. PMCID: PMC2677956

25.Houser SH, Johnson LA. Perceptions regarding electronic health records implementation among health information management professionals in Alabama: A statewide survey and analysis. May 2008;5(6):1-15. Perspectives in Health Information Management. PMC2394577

26.Safford M, Halanych J, Lewis C, Levine D, Houser SH, Howard G. Understanding racial disparities in hypertension control: Intensity of hypertension medication treatment in the REGARDS study. Ethnicity & Disease, 2007;17(3):421-426. PMID: 17985492

27.Houser SH, Houser H, Shewchuk R. Assessing the effects of the HIPAA Privacy Rule on release of patient information by healthcare facilities. Perspectives in Health Information Management, 2007;4(1):1-11. PMCID: PMC2082070

28.Houser SH, Howard V, Kellum M, Safford M. Obtaining medical records under the HIPAA Privacy Rule: The experience of a national longitudinal cohort study. Journal of Neuroepidemiology, 2007;28:162-168. (DOI: 10.1159/000103269). PMID: 17536228

29.Houser SH. Contributing Author to a textbook by Loretta A. Horton of “Calculating and Reporting Healthcare Statistics”; CD-ROM spreadsheet exercises. March 2006. AHIMA Publisher.

30.Clements K, Houser SH. Fishing for coders. Recruiting coders to fill geographic shortages. For The Record, 18(17), 10-13, August 2006.

31.Houser SH, Houser H. Are we preparing health services administration students to respond to bioterrorism and mass casualty management? The Journal of Health Administration Education, 23(2), 169-180, Spring 2006. PMID: 16700442

32.Houser SH, Howard VJ, Safford M. Obtaining medical records under the HIPAA Privacy Rule from the REGARDS study. American Journal of Epidemiology, 163(11), 2006.

33.Safford MM, Halanych JI, Lewis CE, Levine D, Houser SH, Howard G. Racial differences in intensity of hypertension treatment: The Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke Study. Circulation, 113:e301-e381, 2006.

34.Grimley DM, Annang L, Houser SH, Chen H. Prevalence of incorrect condom use among STD clinic patients. American Journal Health Behavior, 29(4), 324-330, 2005. PMID: 16006229

35.Crowther MR, Houser SH, Baker PS, Allman RM. Depression as a function of demographic status and assessment strategy. The Gerontologist 44: Sp. Issue 1; Oct 2004.

36.Houser SH, Schumacher JE, Engle M, Reynolds K, Mukherjee S, Caldwell W, Kohler C, Phalan S, Raczynski JM. Resolving Confidentiality Barriers in Research Data Collection. Journal of American Health Information Management Association, 71(3):62-64, March, 2000. PMID: 11009671

37.Schumacher JE, Engle M, Reynolds K, Houser SH, Mukherjee S, Caldwell W, Kohler C, Phalan S, Raczynski JM. Self-efficacy in substance use interventions among obstetric practices. The Southern Medical Journal. 93(4):406-414, April 2000. PMID: 10798512

“Evaluation of Electronic Health Records Adoption and Usage in Outpatient Services in a HIV/AIDS Clinic”;AHIMA/FORE

“Closing the Feedback Loop to Improve Diagnostic Quality” ;AHRQ R18 HS17060

“Improving HIM Practice Standards: Releasing Health Information for Research Purposes under the HIPAA Privacy Rule”;AHIMA/FORE

“Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke” ;NIH/NINDS

“Comprehensive Minority and Health Disparities Research Center CERED Supplement”;NCMHD

“Health IT Curriculum Development Centers”;HHS/ONC

“Enhancing Quantitative Literacy in Both On-line and In-class Environments”;UAB QEP Grant

“Interprofessional Collaborative Practice model at the PATH Clinic”;HRSA UD7HP25047-01-00

“Disparities in Avoidable Hospitalizations of Aging Adults-Health System Factors”; NIH, DHHS