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E-mail: zhuyibin at mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

Tel: 010-62788494

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朱毅斌于2014年获得厦门大学国家传染病诊断试剂与疫苗工程技术研究中心硕士学位,2019年获得清华大学博士学位,2019-2021年在乐竞从事博士后研究,随后留校留组工作,任乐竞在线官网助理研究员。朱毅斌博士长期从事蚊媒病毒感染的分子机制研究,从不同层面解析重要蚊媒病毒感染宿主媒介的分子机理,开发针对性的蚊媒病毒传播阻断策略。在Cell (2022) ;Cell Reports (2021); Nature Microbiology (2019);Nature Communications (2017);Trends in Parasitology (2019)、等杂志发表多项研究成果。

长期从事蚊虫-蚊媒病毒-宿主互作机理研究。解析重要蚊媒病毒感染与传播的分子机理:(1) 发现蚊虫吸血激活γ-氨基丁酸信号通路,辅助病毒高效完成“宿主-蚊”的感染机制; (2) 发现人体血清铁含量是调控蚊虫传播登革病毒的关键因素,并提出基于补铁的抗登革热传播阻断策略;(3) 揭示一种由宿主血液来源的miRNA介导的跨物种调节机制影响登革病毒感染媒介蚊虫。(4) 发现一种宿主皮肤微生物来源的挥发性气味增强媒介蚊虫定位宿主,促进蚊媒病毒传播。

1. Zhang H*, Zhu YB*, Liu ZW, Peng YM, Peng WY, Tong LQ, Wang JL, Liu QY, Wang PH, Cheng G#. A volatile from the skin microbiota of flavivirus-infected hosts promotes mosquito attractiveness. Cell. 2022, 185: P2510-2522. Featured Article, (*equal authorship).

Preview by Cell. 2022, 185: P2395-2397.

Research Highlighted by Nature Reviews Microbiology. 2022, doi: 10.1038/s41579-022-00771-4.

News by Nature (doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-01764-2).

News by Science (Vol 377, Issue 6602).

2. Zhu YB, Zhang C, Zhang LM, Yang Y, Yu X, Wang JL, Liu QY, Wang PH, Cheng G#. A human blood-derived microRNA facilitates flavivirus infection in fed mosquitoes. Cell Reports. 2021, 37: 110091.

Spotlight by Trends in Parasitology. 2022, 38: 349-350

3. Zhu YB*, Yu X*, Cheng G#. Insect C-type lectins in microbial infections. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2020, 1204: 129-140 (*equal authorship.)

4. Yu X*, Zhu YB*, Xiao XP*, Wang PH, Cheng G#. Progress towards understanding the mosquito-borne virus life cycle. Trends in Parasitology. 2019, 35: 1009-1017 (*equal authorship.)

5. Zhu YB, Tong LQ, Nie KX, Itsanun Wiwatanaratanabutr, Sun P, Li QQ, Yu X, Wu P, Wu TS, Yu C, Liu QY, Bian ZQ, Wang PH, Cheng G#. Host serum iron modulates dengue virus acquisition by mosquitoes. Nature Microbiology. 2019, 4: 2405-2415

6. Zhu YB, Zhang RD, Zhang B, Zhao TY, Wang PH, Liang GD, Cheng G#. Blood meal acquisition enhances arbovirus replication in mosquitoes through activation of the GABAergic system. Nature Communications. 2017, 8: 1262

7. Ma EH, Zhu YB, Liu ZW, Wei TY, Wang PH, Cheng G#. Interaction of virus with the insect intestine. Annual Review of Virology. 2021, 8: 115-131.

8. Yu X, Shan C, Zhu YB, Ma EH, Wang JL, Wang PH, Shi PY, Cheng G#. A mutation-mediated evolutionary adaptation of Zika virus in mosquito and mammalian host. PNAS. 2021, 118: e2113015118.

9. Sun P*, Nie KX*, Zhu YB, Liu Y, Wu P, Liu ZW, Du SY, Fan HH, Chen, CH, Zhang RL, Wang PH, Cheng G#. A mosquito salivary protein promotes flavivirus transmission by activation of autophagy. Nature Communications. 2020, 11: 260 (*equal authorship.)

10. Wu P, Sun P, Nie KX, Zhu YB, Shi MY, Xiao CG, Liu H, Liu QY, Zhao TY, Chen XG, Zhou HN, Wang PH, Cheng G#. A gut commensal bacterium promotes mosquito permissiveness to arboviruses. Cell Host Microbe. 2019, 25: 101-112.






