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E-mail: yjxia@tsinghua.edu.cn

Tel: +86-10-62787069


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1.Li Z,Chen B,Wu Y,Jin F,Xia Y,Liu X. Genetic and epigenetic silencing of the beclin 1 gene in sporadic breast tumors.BMC Cancer.2010 Mar 16;10(1):98. (通讯作者)

2.Li Z, Chen B, Wu Q, Jin F, Xia Y, Liu X. The expression of human tumor suppressor gene beclin 1 is down-regulated in Gastric and colorectal cancer. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2008;35(11): 1282-1290. (共同通讯作者)

3.Tian F, Wu Y, Zhou Y, Liu X, Visvikis-Siest S, Xia Y*. A new single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping method based on gap ligase chain reaction and a microsphere detection assay. Clin Chem Lab Med 2008;46(4):486–489. (共同通讯作者)

4.Li ZD, Peng XY, Wu Y, Xia Y, Liu X. Zhang Q. The Influence of Adiponectin Gene Polymorphism on the Pioglitazone Response in the Chinese With Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 2008, 10:791–805.(共同通讯作者)

5.Xia Y,Baum L,Pang CP,Siest G,Visvikis S.Cardiovascular risk-associated allele frequencies for 15 genes in healthy elderly French and Chinese.Clin Chem Lab Med. 2005;43(8):817-822.

6.Xia Y, Gueguen R, Vincent-Viry M,SiestG, Visvikis S. Effect of six longevity candidate genes on early aging in a French population.Aging Clin and Exp Res. 2003;15:111-116.

7.Xia Y, Sass C, Shen X, Siest G, Visvikis S. Association of apolipoprotein E concentration and polymorphism with lipids and apolipoprotein levels in Chinese from Beijing and Shanghai. Clin Chem Lad Med 2000;38(7):655-659.

8.Merched A, Xia Y, Visvikis S, Serot JM, Siest G.Decreased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and serum apolipoprotein AI concentrations are highly correlated with the severity of Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiol Aging 2000;21(1):27-30.

9.Merched A, Xia Y, Papadopoulou A, Siest G, Visvikis S. Apolipoprotein AIV codon 360 mutation increases with human aging and is not associated with Alzheimer's disease. Neurosci Lett 1998;242:117-119.



2016 清华大学教育教学成果二等奖


2010 优秀班主任一等奖



